Farewell to Borders Books and Music
I do not know if I am alone on this but I have bought a bunch of CDs at Borders Music. Perhaps not recently, but not to long ago. I recall walking thru their aisles of CDs. I remember being so happy find a amazing selection of Rory Gallagher CDs. I walked out that day with Tattoo, one of his live collections and Top Priority. I was routinely surprised with what I was walking out of Borders with.
Well all good things come to an end. Two things are happening. Number one, here in White Plains, Borders Books and Music is gone-closing in another week or two. And number two, Borders is largely getting out of the music business.
I speculate on the later of the two but considering the 40% sale on all CDs and where we are today, it just seems right. People just are not buying CDs today. The records companies certainly know this. The situation with the music business, meaning the big labels is common knowledge. so like the labels, those stores that were selling CDs today are having problems. Borders, and the one in White Plains especially, had a huge music section, and with that, they had a major liability with the shrinking of that market.
So when I got the email telling me that the White Plains store is closing I was not all that surprised. Then a day or two later, this three day weekend, I got another email that Borders, all Borders, were selling all CDs at 40% off, and that just confirmed my suspicions. The death of CDs, and and the closing of Borders was in all likelihood tied together. Just a case of the times are a changing.
On top of that, White Plains Borders, just is or was in a miserable location. It was kind of hidden. I recall when I first moved to White Plains and discovering Borders, I was like oh look, a Borders is down the alley. And once the huge City Center Megaplex complete with the Starbucks enhanced Super Barnes & Nobles opened up in the middle of town, you knew it was only a matter of time till Borders was done.
Going back to the music, though, you have a Barnes & Nobles and a Circuit City next to each other and neither of them have a CD selection to speak of. Basically they offer the recent releases and more popular artists and that is it. Borders, coming at the problem with an old school music approach, offered a complete or more complete listing of artists and catalogs. they were proud that they offered a pretty complete offering of Rory Gallagher, where as Barnes & Nobles you wont see any of those, and the guy behind the desk will be asking if you mean the comedian. (And the staff at Borders was in general better for those might want to ponder that point.)
So Borders White Plains had a double or triple whammy, no sidewalk traffic-hidden away on this side street, challenged by the Barnes & Noble Megastore, and stuck with this giant music / CD section. I think they wimped out. Sections can be redesigned and new products can be offer. Their book selection diminished too as the years went by. They put a card and calendar section right in the middle of the store. They screwed up the store. Their cafe sucked, and did not even attempt to compete in the cafe business.
Oh well, for me, they were another group that did not take advantage of something they started. They use to have folk and acoustic acts on Friday night, poetry readings, and book readings-different stuff. It was a place to grab a coffee, hang out with my wife and son on a Friday night. Today there is nothing. They forgot who they were. Instead of letting that stuff go, they should have bolstered it and reinforced those practices. More book readings and signings. More musical events. They gave up. I know I do not know the details and how bad it was, but for my money-they did not try. Anothe quality product from the Kmart/ Sears Group. I think Borders is still a Kmart store.
Well with my 40% coupon in hand I found no Gallagher, or even Deep Purple or even the recently re-released UFO albums. I did grab a few CDs, Radiohead, Rage Against the Machine and INXS. That last with one of my favorite pop songs,”Don’t Change”
Farewell White Plains Borders Books and Music