Two Poets. . .
A look at the lyrics of Patti Smith and Philip Lynott in relation to the romantic and modern traditions of poetry.
This started as one piece, but then it just grew into a monster. I have now broken it down into manageable and readable sections as opposed to the one giant post.
This essay had its origins in an exploration of the local NYC band, Mad Juana. Karmen Guy of Mad Juana pointed to Patti Smith and her poetry as one of her inspirations and I went and found Smith’s book of poems, Babel, which includes a poem titled Mad Juana. I found myself infatuated with the book, and comparing her to the only lyricist/ poet I knew until that time. . . Philip Lynott.
Below, now broken up into sections, is what resulted. . .
Philip Lynott, The Fox, and Romanticism. . .
Patti Smith & A Brief Nod To William Blake