I digress. . . or the sharing of one rather odd dream
Sometimes you have to wonder how your unconscious arrives at certain dreams. This is quick note regarding such a dream. The wife can only take so much of my early morning updates over coffee on the strange dream I had the night before, and this one I thought a stray LA Guns fan might appreciate. Maybe.
Somehow in the this dream I was at some LA event or party. I have never been to LA. Anyway at this event Phil Lewis, the vocalist for LA Guns, was working the room saying hello to various folks and just being social. He runs into one of the stars of the old TV sitcom Will and Grace, a show I never watched! I am guessing it was Will as it was a dude. Anyway Phil greets the actor, saying hello and the actor responds in kind, but is uncertain who Phil is. PHil Lewis proceeds to introduce himself, referencing LA Guns and all and the actor, “Will”, responds with recognition, saying,”Oh yeah,I even have your FBI record”. End of dream.
I woke up thinking wow what a great line. No idea what it means but a cool response. Not sure how or why those associations came about in February 2009. It is just amusing. I can guess that the FBI record comes from the gangster images such as Phil holding the tommy gun on Torme’s Back to Babylon record.
Anyway, I guess this posting is only a few steps further into utter foolishness.
Rock on.
Bob Schaffer