Two Gigs that We Missed
I already noted here in my last post that we had a series of shows to check out. That said, I missed Friday night. I did not highlight any show for last Friday, August 15th. And in the process missed two shows that I am sure were worth checking out.
The first of these was down at the Mercury Lounge on Houston featuring Eva and Her Virgins, Snake Canyon, and Cracked Alice, among others.
Eva and her Virgins is a dark electro-pop band with stylings ranging from Electronic Rock and Pop Punk, to Hip Hop.The new album, “Killing Liittle Humans Inc.” was produced by Jabbath Roa and mixed by the Mix Factory.
And then you have Snake Canyon, featuring some folks who have been at this for awhile. This includes Morgan “SuperMorgan” Liebman on vocals and whose previous credits include Supervillain and the Steel Fucking Morticians. Another guy you might know is Texas Clamp who is known largely for his drum work with Banana Fish Zero. If you missed him there, you might have caught him with The Situationist International (TSI) and then for awhile he was with Karen Curious’ New Professional.
Cracked Alice, another act on the bill, has been at it for the past two years. They released an EP, Contents Under Pressure, last year and they are planning their sophomore release this summer, though time is running out on that front.
And then you have Snake Canyon, featuring some folks who have been at this for awhile. This includes Morgan “SuperMorgan” Liebman on vocals and whose previous credits include Supervillain and the Steel Fucking Morticians. Another guy you might know is Texas Clamp who is known largely for his drum work with Banana Fish Zero. If you missed him there, you might have caught him with The Situationist International (TSI) and then for awhile he was with Karen Curious’ New Professional.
Cracked Alice, another act on the bill, has been at it for the past two years. They released an EP, Contents Under Pressure, last year and they are planning their sophomore release this summer, though time is running out on that front.
For some sampling of music do check out the above links and for pics do go to either Alan Rand’s photo albums on Facebook, or Dave Brooks photo album of the show and again on Facebook.
That was the first show. The second was Robert Gordon at the Bowery Electric. Man I saw Robert Gordon way back, ages ago. He was and is doing Rockabilly. Forget the Stray Cats. It is nice to see him still at it! The man has a story, a biography, but more important is his music and his shows. For a sampling check out this Youtube clip.
Next time.