The Dog Days of Summer and a Short Story from 1988. . .

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4 Responses

  1. Jenny says:

    This website is really cool. I have bookmarked it. Do you allow guest post on your page ?
    I can provide high quality articles for you. Let me know.

    • wildwestrocks says:

      Happy to see what you got. It would have to be relevant to NYC or Bernie Torme. That is not written in stone but still there needs to be some connection. Thanks and do hope to hear back! RGS

  2. John Dembeski says:

    Bob you do have something in common with Hemingway you should shoot yourself. Actually not that bad considering it was 1988, You can always write a fictional story about our bands and add some humor to it and add some reality to it .

    • wildwestrocks says:

      So I could have something in common with Hemingway. . . Ideally, that we both should not shoot ourselves. Sadly my advice comes too late for him. Thanks. I guess?