Up In Danbury. . .
This Friday I wandered up to Danbury CT to Cousin Larry’s. It was a good night in a cool venue. Cousin Larry’s is a small place right off of Main in Danbury. I have been there a few times and pretty much every time I am impressed with the acts. Small or not they have a solid sound system, good acts, and just a good scene.
Friday was no exception. They had Dogs of Winter, Fear the State Fear the State, and an act I had not caught before – Lions of Lido. I had caught the first two on several occasions up there. Both as usual rocked.
The Dogs of Winter provided a good sampling of their new material. Do make sure to check out their new video of their song, Player Piano, that they have posted it front and center on their website! Fear the State just rocked out, having a good time with a crowd that knows them well.
Lion of Ido, however, I knew nothing about. The crowd knew something about them. They were just a cool act with some nice keyboard and guitar work. They turned my head a few times as I was getting my beer and just searching for one of the few stools at the bar. I did find them once I had the right name. . . http://www.myspace.com/lionofido
I did give them a listen to yesterday driving around. Kind of an alternative sound, if that means anything, in short I need to go catch them again. I always get sucked in by a band with a keyboard. Talking about keyboards and guitar, last week end I was down at J&Rs in NYC and picked up UFO’s Lights Out CD. Damn, the CD is 30 years old, but that is where I am coming from. Still some amazing stuff on that CD.
Going back to Cousin Larry’s in Danbury. It is a great place, a great scene. It is a venue for indie music and more importantly they have a crowd that comes out and supports the acts and music. I guess it is in part a local college scene complete with college radio. And of course it is on MySpace. Whatever, the mixture, however, they bring them out it is very cool to find a venue and scene just digging original live music.