F*Bomb Meets Thin Lizzy

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3 Responses

  1. Morgan Liebman says:

    Thanks for the detailed review, please come and see us again. And for the record, every Fbomb is only reheaesed twice, so, as you said, we had 8 hours to prepare while the guys is Lizzy had years, but we always give it our best.

    Thanks again, Aerosmith next.

  2. Jeff lake says:

    Cool to finally find your stuff on here Bob . Rock on. Just got tickets for molly hatchet who are playing my towns Mardi Gras next weekend . Hoop .

    • wildwestrocks says:

      Rock on! Enjoy the Molly Hatchet show. You should just go to NOLA! Damn Mardi Gras is next week? Wow.