Patti Smith and and Lenny Kaye celebrate 50 Years!
I typically have stayed away from streaming events during this Covid period. Just not my thing. Covid and streamed events just make me appreciate a live show that much more.
I did share the Arlene’s Grocery fundraiser event. It was a good show for a good cause. And now I want to share this one: Patti Smith and Lenny Kaye – celebrating their 50 year collaboration.
That collaboration simply needs to be recognized and celebrated. And it should be in some venue down in the lower east side, but sadly, it won’t be. Actually, I am not sure where it will be but it will be lacking a live audience. A few privileged folks and that is about it I imagine.
Regardless, a 50 year collaboration that has resulted in the work of the Patti Smith Band deserves something and this is the closest we get to a celebration.
Do check it out. Happening this Friday – Tomorrow, February 19th!