Jim Fitzpatrick, His Art, Dublin, and a Band called Thin Lizzy. . .
This essay “took a different slant and it works. No one bothers to try to tell the real story of myself and Philip and Dublin of the time and of our times as well as...
The Ones. . . / The Western Front
by wildwestrocks · Published January 9, 2017 · Last modified April 10, 2021
This essay “took a different slant and it works. No one bothers to try to tell the real story of myself and Philip and Dublin of the time and of our times as well as...
Those of you who know and listen to Thin Lizzy probably know Jim Fitzpatrick or at the least have some appreciation of his work. The man did most of the album covers for Thin Lizzy,...
Only In NYC / The Ones. . . / The Western Front
by wildwestrocks · Published July 5, 2016 · Last modified September 21, 2020
Today I am not writing about a band, nor a show. Not even an old abandoned building. Today I would like to introduce a person I have gotten to know over the years. I have...