A Gillan Show – Recollections and a Reposting of the Western Front

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3 Responses

  1. Gary says:

    This is my photo. I was the drummer for the Front St. Runners and we had played the upstairs room at Emerald City the Thursday before the Gillian show. Our manager worked for Emerald City ( I still have my permanent pass) and they needed someone to open the next night for Ian Gillian so he volunteered us to open. We were NOT a reggae band. We were just kids. I do remember there were only about a hundred people there too. I worked in a record store at the time and I remember mentioning to one of the members of the band that we did not have the Gillian record in our store. (Sound Odyssey- Cherry Hill Mall). He was a big bald dude with a beard. He pushed the Polydor rep up against the wall of the dressing room and read him the riot act . The local Polydor guy was not happy with me. I felt bad for these guys because Emerald City could hold something like 1,500 people and it was crickets that night.

    • wildwestrocks says:

      Yeah it was a month or two later that I found the album at my local store. Thank you for the details and all. I am sorry if I miss-classified your band. That said it was an interesting selection for Gillan but then no one knew what the hell Gillan was about anyway. Never did, never will over here. Keep in mind i was a 17 year old kid listening to deep purple and the like. And yeah I can picture John McCoy that bald dude with the beard doing that. He kind of scared me back then.

      Was a cool place. Saw Thin Lizzy the week before, and went a few times for other acts. I remember Alice Cooper there too.

      Anyway, rock on!

    • wildwestrocks says:

      Hey I am not seeing the photo. . .