Mad Juana Needs Your Help
Help fund Mad Juana’s new album!
Way back in 2005 I saw Mad Juana for the first time. It was at a either a Tsunami or Katrina Fundraiser at Arlenes, and they were either before or after the New Professionals. I was not familiar with either band back then. A few months later I did book my first shows at the Vintage in White Plains; the second of which featured both. No doubt a little bit rough regarding the PA, and we could have had a few more people come in, but it worked.
Mad Juana rocked at Arlene’s and at the Vintage and they have continued to impress ever since. They honestly do not rock, but whatever it is they do, it is infectious. The beat, the rhythms, the horns, the guitar, even the accordion all so nicely layered until you are just totally immersed in it. They always like their shot of Tequila but honestly, it is a nice touch, a nod to tradition, but not needed. Their music simply seduces and more.
With that they are now pondering a new album, and today they are on asking for your support. It has become common to make such appeals. Kickstarter campaigns have become the norm. That is a good thing. It still, however, requires you decide who you want to support. For me this campaign is one I wholeheartedly endorse and support and encourage all to join in!
Support Mad Juana Today on GoFundMe.
Mad Juana performing ‘Mad Love’ at the Bowery Electric in New York City
One of my favorites, Mad Juana performing ‘Those Were the Days’ back in 2012