Author: R. Schaffer

Two Gigs that We Missed

I already noted here in my last post that we had a series of shows to check out. That said, I missed Friday night. I did not highlight any show for last Friday, August 15th....

What is Going on Here?

The next week or two in regard to local NYC Music looks pretty damn good. No doubt i am focused on the rockier, louder stuff, but in general it looks like a series of shows...

Just An Interesting Moment

One of those bizarre moments where you are left wondering what was that? Perhaps the appropriate phrase is “What the Fuck?” This one took place in a Barnes & Noble restroom. Not the cleanest rest...

News Flash. . .

Well it is now July 7th 2013. So much for The Plan. Despite my best intentions, life intrudes. . . or it did. Stay tuned for further updates.

A Plan

Regardless of the recent snowstorm and a cold I cannot shake, the Wild West is moving along. At least a plan is being developed to take it from a website largely in hibernation to a...